New Cooperative Field in Ph.D. Course, “Chemistry of Advanced Functional Materials,” to be Established in the Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University


National Institute for Materials Science
Hokkaido University

The National Institute for Materials Science and the Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University agreed to establish a new cooperative field in Ph.D. course, “Chemistry of Advanced Functional Materials,” in the Graduate School of Science (Ph.D. course) at Hokkaido University.


  1. The National Institute for Materials Science and the Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University agreed to establish a new cooperative field in Ph.D. course, “Chemistry of Advanced Functional Materials,” in the Graduate School of Science (Ph.D. course) at Hokkaido University, with NIMS as the parent body, in order to promote advanced research in materials science cooperatively and to more strongly support the training of outstanding young human resources.
  2. Based on this agreement, the Hokkaido University Graduate School of Science will newly include the cooperative field in Ph.D. course “Chemistry of Advanced Functional Materials” in its new application guidebook for fiscal year 2009 (including students entering in October 2008).
  3. The aim of the new field “Chemistry of Advanced Functional Materials” is to strengthen education and research in the doctoral course in chemistry at Hokkaido University’s Graduate School of Science by utilizing NIMS researchers as visiting professors or associate professors at Hokkaido University and providing education and research guidance taking advantage of the excellent research environment at NIMS. For NIMS, this is the second such cooperative relationship with a university graduate school, following the creation of a new Ph.D. course at Tsukuba University in 2004. NIMS plans to develop this new graduate education system, which is unprecedented anywhere in Japan, on a nationwide basis.
  4. Among the new features of this cooperative relationship, the “Chemistry of Advanced Functional Materials” field will be operated as a joint project of Hokkaido University’s Global COE Program “Catalysis as the Basis for Innovation in Materials Science” and the NIMS project MANA (World Premier International Research Center (WPI) Initiative, International Center for Materials Nanoarchitechtonics). The program will provide the young scientists responsible for the next generation with the highest level educational and research environment in Japan, unparalleled at other universities and institutions, in order to train human resources who can truly play an active role in international society. Application information for students and detailed information on the new field are scheduled to be available from early June in the homepages of NIMS and the Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University.