Elucidation of the Mechanism of Molecular Jet in Liquid

Success in Time-Resolved Photography of a Molecular Jet in Liquid


National Institute for Materials Science

A team including Dr. Masahiro Tosa, Group Leader and Dr. Masahiro Goto, Senior Researcher of the Micro-nano Materials Engineering Group, Materials Reliability Center, National Institute for Materials Science succeeded in photographing the process of mass transfer of molecules in a liquid using the time-resolved shadowgraphy technique and, based on this work, elucidated the mechanism of transfer of a molecular jet in a liquid, which had been unexplained until now.


A team including Dr. Masahiro Tosa, Group Leader and Dr. Masahiro Goto, Senior Researcher of the Micro-nano Materials Engineering Group, Materials Reliability Center (Managing Director: Toshio Ogata), National Institute for Materials Science (President: Teruo Kishi) succeeded in photographing the process of mass transfer of molecules in a liquid using the time-resolved shadowgraphy technique and, based on this work, elucidated the mechanism of transfer of a molecular jet in a liquid, which had been unexplained until now. This achievement is expected to lead to more precise fixation of molecules in microdomain on the surfaces of metal, semiconductor, and ceramic solids contributing to the realization of next-generation molecular devices, ultra-high sensitivity nanosensor arrays, and other applications, and the development to next-generation microfabrication on various material surfaces can also be expected.