Announcement of the Recipient of the NIMS Award at the NIMS Conference


National Institute for Materials Science

The National Institute for Materials Science has held NIMS Conferences each year since 2003. In 2007, new features were introduced in the conference.


The National Institute for Materials Science (President: Teruo Kishi; hereinafter, NIMS) has held NIMS Conferences each year since 2003. In 2007, new features were introduced in the conference. The 2009 NIMS Conference will be held at the Tsukuba International Congress Center (Epochal Tsukuba) July 21-23.

As one important feature of the NIMS Conferences since 2007, NIMS has presented the NIMS Award to carefully selected individuals or groups which have achieved remarkable progress in materials science and technology over the past several years. This year’s Award is given for research achievements in the nano-bio field under the title “NIMS Award for Recent Breakthroughs in Nanobio-Materials and Technologies for Future Medicine.” The recipient of the NIMS Award was selected by a committee of impartial experts from candidates recommended by the top scientists in the field in countries around the world.

Recipient of the 2009 NIMS Award

Recipient: Dr. Kazunori Kataoka (Professor, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering)
Achievements: “Nanostructured carriers for delivery of drugs/genes in the body”

The Award Ceremony and a lecture by Prof. Kataoka are scheduled for the morning of July 21.
To ensure that the NIMS Award given at the NIMS Conference will become a prestigious international award suited to encourage the efforts of researchers engaged in research in materials science, a commemorative medal is given with the Award.