Vol.2 No.4 <March>

Special Features

2004.03.01 Published


Special Features:

Novel Passive Optical Fuse Created by Inserting Carbon-coated Low-Melting Glass in Optical Fiber Circuit
High Durable SiAlON Phosphors
-The Best Suited Materials for White LEDs and Next-generation Displays-
Development of Painless Hepatic Function Test Chip
Non-linear Lattice Relaxation and Light-Emission Process
-Dynamics of Lattice Relaxation Process in Polymers-
UV Light Emission in cBN Single Crystal with p-n Domain
Control of Fluorescent Characteristics by Modification of Interlayer Interface


  • Second NIMS - NEERI Workshop on "Emerging Materials for Environmental Applications"
  • Research Exchange Meeting with Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI)