Vol.2 No.5 <March>

Special Features

2004.03.10 Published


Special Features:

Fabrication Techniques for world of nanoelectronics 3-Dimensional Photonic Crystals
Development of Infrared Laser Wavelength Converter for Medical and Environmental Measurement
-Commercialization by NIMS-Licensed Venture Company SWINGTadatomo
-Interconnect Eco-Design and Eco-Devices- 
Research on Terahertz Oscillator Using Natural Crystal Structure
Development of Quantum Dots Applicable to Optical Telecommunications Band
-Aiming at a Single-Photon Emission Device for Quantum IT-
Non-linear Optical Glass and Crystals
-Steps toward Practical Use of the Third-order Non-linear Optical Effect-


  • International Workshop on "Progress in Nb-based Superconductors"