Vol.2 No.6 <April>

Special Features

2004.04.10 Published


Special Features:

In-situ formed two phase metallic glass with surface fractal microstructure
Research and Development of High-Energy X-Ray Photoelectron Emission Microscope
-A New Tool that Exceeds the Limits of Surface Analysis-
State Analysis and Nanotechnology Support
Non-destructive Observation of "Buried" Interfaces
Material Development using Novel X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Technique


  • Visit by Students from Switzerland's EPFL
  • Visit by China's Vice Minister of Science and Technology
  • NIMS Papers Show Strong Improvement in Both Numbers and Quality
  • Full-Scale Kick-Off of International Center for Young Scientists (ICYS)
  • Completion of New Nano-Biomaterials Research Building